Here's a great way to help support the Yetis in the off season, and all year round. Select the Yetis in your City Market account Community Rewards, and a portion of what you spend at City Market and other participating grocery stores goes to support the Yetis.
1. Go to the City Market Community Rewards page here:
2. Create or login with your account.
3. In step 2, click on the link to search for your organization. Enter GR375 or San Luis Valley Youth Hockey Association for the organization you want to donate to and then click save.
Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Please let any interested family or friends know to do the same.
More information on the program can be found here,
SLVYHA Yetis played 2 home games against New Mexico Ice Wolves Red the weekend of the 20th, and celebrated the seniors on both teams.
Senior Yetis this year are #33 Gus Miller and #77 Jace Montoya.
Yeti Seniors 2023-24
SLVYHA hosted the 23-24 Rio Grande High School Hockey League JV Mid Season Tournament January 12-14, 2024. There were 5 teams attending; SLVYHA Yetis, Taos Ice Tigers, El Paso Rhinos, New Mexico Ice Wolves White, and New Mexico Ice Wolves Red. SLVYHA beat NM Ice Red in the championship round 5-0. El Paso Rhinos beat the Taos Ice Tigers 8-3 for 3rd place.
RGHSHL 23-24 JV Mid Season Tournament Champions
Welcome to SLVYHA!
SLVYHA mission is to offer more competitive opportunities to the great game of ice hockey for the youth of our area, so that every child, through their participation in the program can enjoy a positive, character-building sports experience while creating passion for the game.
Emphasis will always be placed upon education, personal development, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The individual conduct of board members, coaches, players, and parents will be maintained to ensure a positive culture in which all can honor the sport and exemplify an organization in which to be proud of.
SLVYHA intends to provide a safe, organized hockey program for the youth of the San Luis Valley. By providing a positive learning experience we challenge our players to grow in every aspect of the game. As an all-volunteer organization, our focus is to keep expenses as low as possible.
Please visit our sponsors page. Many businesses and individuals are doing a lot to support and grow hockey in the San Luis Valley!
The Yetis have a mascot and you'll see him from time to time at games cheering on the Yetis and getting the crowd fired up.
We've got a Mascot!!